Recurrent Implantation Failure in IVF – How PRP Handles This?

IVF has become one of the many conventional methods to help people conceive. This is a procedure that focuses on improving the quality of the egg, endometrial receptivity, and also the thickness of the uterine lining. People who experience failure in conceiving naturally choose this procedure to become parents. PRP has its own set of contributions in this case.
PRP is chosen to work alongside the idea of IVF and other conventional fertility methods of conceiving. There comes a situation where the patients will not conceive even though they went through recurrent implantation treatments. Such people are allowed to enjoy the happiness of parenthood with the help of PRP therapy.
PRP or also known as Platelet-Rich Plasma is best known for having high concentrations of platelets in the end solutions. Platelets are the biomolecules that are known for having the best regenerative and also natural healing mechanisms. These are extracted from the blood of the patients for further procedures.
The researchers require the high-grade PRP-tubes for the centrifugation technique. This can be obtained by visiting Dr. Akhmerov’s Plasmolifting Technologies official webpage. They are in business for the past few years and can promise top-quality tubes for the centrifugation procedure. Check their webpage for all the required information.
Preparation of PRP for treating the IVF-related issues
PRP therapy is the procedure of allowing the natural healing mechanism of the body to come forth and get to work. Hence, the source of the PRP solution is the blood that runs in each patient. The procedure follows the below-mentioned steps.
- The experts that conduct the PRP therapy will first draw the required volume of blood from the body of the patient. This procedure is just like drawing blood for simple procedures such as testing the blood sugar levels.
- The blood is transferred into the centrifugation tube and is placed inside the centrifugation machine. The machine spins at the rpm as set by the experts and is allowed to run for at least 10 to 15 minutes.
- The machine is switched off and the tubes are taken slowly out of the machine. The clearly visible liquid inside the centrifugation tube will be divided into many parts and the solution visible at the end is the PRP.
- The technician will then slowly separate the PRP solution and get them inside the injection for the further procedure.
The quality of eggs released in the fallopian tube is enhanced with the help of the PRP technique. By doing so, the experts make sure that the chances of conceiving naturally, or through the IVF procedure are increased in women. PRP even focuses on enhancing the thickness of the uterine lining, endometrial receptivity as required while transferring the embryo into the fallopian tubes, and other such issues faced by women.
The possible charges for PRP therapy in IVF will be not more than $300 to $1600, based on the severity of the case for both the parents. The damaged reproductive systems require thorough treatments and hence an increase in the number of sittings in the PRP therapy. You can understand everything else about the topic by checking with your fertility specialist.